37 Black Birds in Florida: Famous Species with ID Guide

Florida hosts diverse bird species in different shapes, sizes, and colors, including blackbirds with unlike features and some permanent and migratory species.

Black Bird in Florida - FLTrendz

Blackbirds, known for their appetite for seeds and grains, pose an agricultural challenge. Florida hosts 19/25 New World Blackbird species in North America, including Blackbirds, Orioles, Meadowlarks, Cowbirds, Grackles, and Bobolinks.

Our study compiled a list of different types of these black birds in Florida.

Black Birds In Florida (Informational Guide)


Anhinga - FLTrendz
Scientific NameAnhinga anhinga (Linnaeus, 1766)
HabitatAnhinga lives in shallow, slow-moving, sheltered waters.
Life Span11 Years
Wingspan3.7 ft.
Weight1.22 kg
DietSmall fish, shrimp, amphibians, crayfish, and young alligators.

These striking, large waterbirds have fan-shaped tails resembling turkeys, long S-shaped necks, and dagger-like bills. Anhingas, aquatic birds, thrive in shallow, sheltered freshwater areas with trees and vegetation, like wetlands, swamps, and lagoons. They are year-round residents in Florida.

Males sport black feathers with silver and white streaks on their backs and wings. Females have tan feathers on their heads, necks, and breasts.

Anhingas are recognized by their black bodies, white wing markings, and long, snake-like necks. They swim with just their necks above water, earning the nickname “snake bird.” Their turkey-like tail feathers also led to the nickname “water turkey.” They can grow up to 3 feet in length with a 3.7-foot wingspan.

Anhingas swim submerged with only their necks and heads visible, and they often dry their wings while perched on logs.

Anhingas primarily eat fish, catching them by swimming slowly underwater and spearing them with sharp bills. Unlike ducks, they lack waterproof feathers. After swimming, they stand on the shore and stretch their wings to dry.

American Crow

American Crow - FLTrendz
Scientific NameCorvus brachyrhynchos
HabitatOpen woods and empty beaches.
Life Span7-8 Years
Wingspan85-100 cm
Weight450 g
DietInsects, spiders, snails, earthworms, frogs, small snakes, shellfish, and fruits.

The American Crow is easily recognizable in Florida with its all-black appearance, beak, legs, and eyes. They are sharp and social birds known for harassing other birds.

The American Crow, known for its all-black plumage, is a common year-round resident found throughout most of North America, including all of Florida.

American crows are omnivorous, opportunistic feeders, eating carrion, insects, small mammals, fruits, seeds, and crops, and sometimes raiding other bird’s nests for eggs and nestlings.

American crows with a varied diet adapt to different environments, from urban to forested areas. American Crows are common in various Florida environments, including forests, farmland, and urban areas.

They are competent and use tools for food, like sticks, to extract insects from tree bark. They gather in noisy groups, especially in winter.

They build large stick nests in trees and reuse them for years, benefiting other birds. Family groups sleep together at night and forage separately during the day. Outside the breeding season, they form massive flocks, often numbering thousands.

Boat Tailed Grackle

Boat Tailed Grackle - FLTrendz
Scientific NameQuiscalus major Vieillot, 1819
HabitatMarshes, beaches, areas near coast and mudflats.
Life Span17 Years
Wingspan15-20 inches
Weight165-250 g
DietAquatic insects, snails, crayfish, crabs, and small fish.

Boat-tailed Grackles are large, glossy blackbirds with distinctive keel-shaped tails. Boat-tailed Grackles are common along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

They thrive in wooded areas near water and are especially common in Florida. They are active in the morning and evening, often foraging for insects or engaging in playful pursuits.

Males are iridescent black with purple and blue hues, yellow eyes, and a distinctive boat-shaped tail they fan out during courtship. Females on the other hand are golden brown with dark wings.

Boat-tailed Grackles breed in saltwater marshes and are frequently seen near beaches, beach towns, and urban areas scavenging for food. They are social birds, often forming large flocks and using various calls for communication.

During breeding season, males engage in an elaborate courtship ritual, including feather fluffing, head nodding, and beak clicking.

Boat-tailed Grackles are year-round residents throughout most of Florida, with a coastal preference in the panhandle.

Black Skimmers

Black Skimmers - FLTrendz
Scientific NameRynchops niger
HabitatCoastal areas and sandy beaches.
Life Span20 Years
Wingspan3 -3.5 ft.
Weight447 g
DietFish, crustaceans such as shrimp or blue crab.

Black Skimmers are primarily found in coastal regions, including beaches, sandbars, estuaries, and lagoons. They are year-round residents in Florida.

These birds have distinctive features like long wings, black upperparts, white underparts, and their most unique characteristic, long, narrow bills with the lower mandible longer than the upper one.

Black Skimmers breed in colonies, typically laying three to four eggs in beach scrapes. They’ve adapted to human presence, often found near piers and marinas, benefiting from easy access to food from fishing activities.

When hunting, Black Skimmers fly low over water with their lower bill submerged, using sensitive nerves to detect prey and catch it with a swift snap of their bill. They are known for unique vocalizations, including barking and chattering, for communication and social interaction.

Brewer’s Blackbird

Brewer's Blackbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameEuphagus cyanocephalus (Wagler, 1829)
HabitatOpen woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands.
Life SpanOver 12 Years
Wingspan14.6 inches
Weight63 g
DietSeeds and grain, and insects.

The Brewer’s blackbird, named after ornithologist Thomas Mayo Brewer, is a native North American bird with a dark, stocky body, yellow eyes, and a pointed bill.

Male Brewer’s blackbirds stand out with glossy black feathers showing purple or green iridescence in sunlight, complemented by bright yellow eyes.

They are slightly larger with longer tails compared to the brown females. Their pointed beaks help them feed on insects, seeds, and fruits.

Brewer’s blackbirds are social, forming large flocks outside of breeding season. During breeding, males establish territories and mate with multiple females.

They construct cup-shaped nests from grass and mud in trees, shrubs, or ground.

Adaptable Brewer’s blackbirds thrive in urban areas, agricultural fields, and grasslands.

In Florida, they are mainly in the panhandle but also visit the northern half during fall and winter. They are often seen foraging for seeds on the ground or perched in groups on utility lines.

They inhabit open woodlands, wetlands, and grasslands in Florida but are uncommon. Active during the day, they perch on trees or forage on the ground.

During breeding, they nest in tree cavities or on ledges, with both parents caring for the young. Spring and summer are the best times to spot them in Florida.

Black Vulture

Black Vultures - FLTrendz
Scientific NameCoragyps atratus
HabitatPastures, marshes, suburbs, and highways.
Life SpanAround 20 Years.
Wingspan4.9 ft.
Weight3 Kg
DietInsects, fruits, and seeds.

Black Vultures are year-round residents of Florida. The Black Vulture is distinguishable from the Turkey Vulture by its darker plumage, gray-skinned face, and hooked beak.

Unlike the Turkey Vulture, it has a featherless head, which helps keep it clean while feeding on already dead prey, as their heads can become bloody during feeding.

The Black Vulture, a member of the Cathartidae family, is a common blackbird in Florida. They have a body length ranging from 56 to 74 cm and an average weight of 1.6 to 2.7 kilograms. Their average lifespan is 10 years, with some individuals living up to 25.6 years.

These scavengers primarily feed on the carcasses of large animals but have been observed eating various other items, including small dead mammals, baby herons in nesting colonies, domestic ducks, newborn calves, small birds and mammals, eggs, opossums, skunks, ripe or rotten vegetables or fruit, and young turtles.

Black Vultures rely on Turkey Vultures to locate food due to their limited sense of smell. They are social birds that stick together in family groups, with parents continuing to feed their young for months after they’ve left the nest and relatives sharing food.


Bobolink - FLTrendz
Scientific NameDolichonyx oryzivorus
HabitatHayfields and meadows.
Life Span5 Years
Wingspan10.6 inches
Weight28 g
DietRice, weeds, seeds, and other grains.

The Bobolink is a beautiful black and white bird known for its distinct songs. Males are primarily black with yellow patches, while females are brown with black streaks.

They are most commonly seen in northern and central Florida and are primarily migratory, so they are best seen in spring and fall. Some stay year-round.

They migrate between South America and Canada, and you can spot them in marshes and coastal areas, often making distinct “peek” and “check” calls.

Bobolinks are small New World blackbirds with a black appearance, creamy napes, white scapulars, lower backs, and rumps. Females are primarily light brown with black streaks and dark stripes on the head, wings, and tails. These birds have an average lifespan of 4 to 9 years in the wild.

Brown-headed Cowbird

Brown-headed Blackbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameM. ater
HabitatFields, pastures, meadows, forest edges, and lawns.
Life SpanUp to 6 Years
Wingspan39 cm
Weight125 g
DietSeeds and insects.

Brown-headed cowbirds are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other bird species. Brown-headed cowbirds are year-round residents in some regions but migrate south from northern and western states.

They prefer grasslands and fields, foraging for seeds and insects, and sometimes visit backyard feeders. Their distinctive song includes rapid whistles and gurgling sounds.

The Brown-Headed Cowbird is a stocky blackbird with chocolate-brown heads (males) or dull gray-brown bodies (females) and follows grazing animals to feed on insects. They feed on seeds and insects and inhabit Florida’s grasslands and woodland edges.

Bronzed cowbird

Bronzed Cowbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameMolothrus aeneus
HabitatFeedlots, and brushy areas.
Life Span11 Years
Wingspan13 inches
Weight68 g
DietInsects and seeds.

Bronzed Cowbirds are occasionally seen in Florida, particularly in southern areas like Orlando, Tampa, and Miami.

They have distinctive features, with males having red eyes, glossy blue wings, and a stockier build than other cowbirds. Females vary in color, and juveniles have black eyes.

They are found in southern U.S. states during the breeding season, foraging on the ground, and sometimes visiting backyard feeders.

They are known for their harsh calls and are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other bird species. Males display dramatic mating behaviors.

Baltimore oriole

Baltimore Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterus galbula
HabitatOpen woodland, forest edge, orchards, and parks.
Life SpanUp to 14 years.
Wingspan12.6 inches
Weight33 g
DietCaterpillars, fruits, insects, and spiders.

Baltimore Orioles are commonly seen in Florida during winter, with some staying year-round in Florida’s wooded areas, especially during spring and summer.

Still, they can be found year-round in some southern regions. In recent years, more Baltimore Orioles are spending their winters in Florida, making them a common sight even during the colder months.

They are known for their bright orange and black plumage with white wing bars (males) or yellowish with grayish-brown wings (females).

These slender birds are about the size of a Robin and belong to the blackbird family. They are a colorful sign of spring in eastern North America.

Bullock’s oriole

Bullocks Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterids
HabitatOaks, pecans, and other orchard trees.
Life Span11.5 Years
Wingspan12.2 inches
Weight33.8 g
DietInsects, berries, nectar, and spiders.

Bullock’s Orioles are considered accidental in Florida, with rare sightings reported in recent years. Males have striking orange plumage with black and white wings and head markings, while females and immature are duller with gray backs and yellow heads, tails, and chests.

Bullock’s Orioles breed in the western U.S. and winter in Mexico. In Florida, they can be found in open woodlands and parks, where they forage for insects, fruit, and nectar. Their sounds include a series of cheeps and whistles.

Sugar water, jelly, and fruit can attract Bullock’s Orioles to your backyard. Their nests are gourd-shaped and woven from hair, grass, and wool, taking up to 15 days to complete.

Common Grackle

Common Grackle - FLTrendz
Scientific NameQuiscalus quiscula
HabitatWooded areas and wetlands.
Life SpanUp to 22 Years
Wingspan14-18 inches
Weight74-142 g
DietInsects, minnows, frogs, and eggs.

The Common Grackle is a distinctive bird in North America, often seen in Florida during spring and fall, mainly at dawn or dusk.

Grackles seem like backyard bullies but can be beautiful with iridescent feathers reflecting blue, green, brown, and purple hues. They resemble Brewer’s blackbirds but have a bulkier beak and a bronze tint to their body.

They frequent wooded areas near wetlands, feeding on invertebrates, seeds, and fruits. Adults have iridescent blue heads, long dark beaks, pale yellow eyes, and lengthy tails. While not endangered, their numbers have declined due to habitat issues, but initiatives like the Great Backyard Bird Count raise awareness about their importance to ecosystems.

Grackles often roost with other blackbirds, forming massive flocks. They have a diverse diet, including insects, seeds, fruits, and garbage. They thrive in suburban areas, forests, parks, meadows, and swamps. You can spot them year-round in most of Florida.

Common Gallinule

Common Gallinule - FLTrendz
Scientific NameGallinula galeata
HabitatFreshwaters and brackish marshes.
Life Span

The Common Gallinule is a stocky waterbird from the U.S. to South America, favoring freshwater and brackish marshes, lakes, and ponds with open water and floating vegetation. They are year-round residents in Florida.

The Common Gallinule, often called a bluebird in Florida, derives its name from the Latin “gallina,” meaning small hen. Their long toes enable them to walk on soft mud and floating vegetation. Resembling ducks in size and swimming ability, they are distinguished by their blunt red and yellow bills and red forehead shields. These rare birds are seen in Tennessee during migration and the breeding season.

Common Gallinules primarily consume flower seeds, vegetation, and insects from the water’s surface. Their long toes are used to flip over floating leaves and plants to find snails, adding variety to their diet.

Common Gallinules have a dark body with a distinctive bright red beak, forehead, greenish-yellow legs, and feet. Their long and lobed toes, although not webbed, enable them to walk on aquatic vegetation like lily pads and avoid sinking in soft mud.

Double-crested Cormorant

Double Crested Cormorant - FLTrendz
Scientific NameNannopterum auritum 
HabitatCoasts, bays, lakes, and rivers.
Life Span23 Years
Wingspan45-48 inches
Weight2.5 Kg
DietFish, insects, and amphibians.

The Double-crested Cormorant is a large waterbird found across North America. They have a slender body, dark feathers, and orange skin around their beak base, bright blue eyes, and a hooked beak. They grow distinctive double crests of black feathers on their head during breeding.

The Double-crested Cormorant, a member of the cormorant family, is a popular blackbird in Florida. They have a body size of 70-90 cm and an average weight of 1.2-2.5 kg.

Their lifespan is up to 6 years, with some individuals living over 22 years. They are carnivores, primarily feeding on fish, but have also been observed eating insects, crustaceans, and amphibians.

The Double-crested Cormorant is adaptable, thriving in various aquatic habitats. They swim and dive excellently, using webbed feet for hunting. After swimming, they dry their wings by extending them, like the Anhinga, creating a distinct perching silhouette.

Double-crested Cormorants eat fish and consume insects, crustaceans, and amphibians. They can be aggressive and steal prey from other birds like ospreys and bald eagles. They are year-round residents in most of Florida but may only be present in the panhandle during winter.

Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Kingbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameTyrannus tyrannus
HabitatPastures, grasslands, yards, and fields.
Life SpanOver 50 Years
Wingspan38 cm
Weight35-55 g
DietFlying insects.

The Eastern Kingbird is a medium-sized songbird in North America with a black-and-white coloration. They have distinctive white-tipped tails and a crown of colorful feathers on their heads, often concealed.

Eastern Kingbirds are territorial and highly aggressive, even taking on larger birds. They perch on high points and will swoop down to protect their territory, earning them the scientific name “Tyrannus,” reflecting their tyrant-like behavior.

Eastern Kingbirds primarily eat insects like flies, bees, wasps, and grasshoppers, catching them while in flight. They are commonly found in open habitats such as fields and meadows. You can spot them throughout Florida during the spring and summer months.

European Starling

European Starling - FLTrendz
Scientific NameSturnus vulgaris
Life Span2-3 Years
Wingspan31-44 cm
Weight58-101 g
DietGrasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, and earthworms.

European Starlings are medium-sized birds with short tails, long yellow bills, and glossy black feathers that shimmer with a metallic sheen. During the breeding season, they have white spots on their plumage, but their feathers are less vibrant and more uniform outside this period.

European Starlings, introduced in the late 19th century, are invasive in the United States. They are year-round residents, including Florida, and adapt well to urban areas, farmland, and open woodlands.

European Starlings are omnivores, consuming insects, fruit, and seeds. They forage on the ground and in trees, often seen in large flocks. These social birds also roost in large winter flocks, mingling with other blackbirds.

Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Kingbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameTyrannus tyrannus
HabitatGrasslands and scattered trees.
Life SpanUp to 11 Years
Wingspan13-15 inch
Weight33-55 g
DietInsects and fruits.

The Eastern Kingbird is a medium-sized, migratory songbird in North America. They are half black and half white, with a black head, back, tail, and white throat, chest, and belly. Look for their white-tipped tail when viewing them from behind. They may have a crown of yellow, red, or orange feathers on their head, which is often concealed.

Eastern Kingbirds are known for their aggressive territory defense, fearlessly chasing off larger birds like hawks and herons. They perch on high points and dive-bomb perceived threats, earning their scientific name “Tyrannus” for their tyrant-like behavior.

Eastern Kingbirds primarily eat flying insects like flies, bees, wasps, and grasshoppers. They also consume some fruits, berries, and seeds. You can spot them in open habitats like fields, meadows, and woodland edges throughout Florida during spring and summer.

Eastern Meadowlarks

Eastern Meadowlark - FLTrendz
Scientific NameSturnella magna
Life SpanUp to 5 Years
Wingspan15.8 inches
Weight95 g
DietInsects and seeds.

Eastern Meadowlarks are year-round residents in Florida, although they are near-threatened. They appear in 3% of winter and 5% of summer checklists.

These medium-sized birds have bright yellow undersides pale brown backs with black markings, and are among the yellow and black birds globally.

Eastern Meadowlarks have a distinctive black band on their yellow chest and are found year-round in the eastern U.S.

They breed in the Northeast and Canada before migrating south. Their spring songs signal the season’s start but are now considered nearly endangered.

Fish Crow

Fish Crow - FLTrendz
Scientific NameCorvus ossifragus
HabitatTidewater, river valleys, woodland, and farmland.
Life Span14 Years
Wingspan11.5 inches
Weight280 g
DietCarrion, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, and turtle eggs.

Fish Crows are medium-sized birds similar in appearance to American Crows but with some distinguishing features. They have a slightly smaller body size, a more slender bill, and a distinctive hoarse and nasal-sounding call. Their “caw-caw” often sounds doubled up.

The Fish Crow is a crow species found in wetland habitats in the eastern and southeastern United States. They are known for their unique feeding behavior, including hovering and plucking water food.

They have an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years in the wild and face threats from humans and various predators, including owls, hawks, and kestrels.

Fish Crows primarily inhabit coastal marshes, swamps, and wetlands along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. They can also be found inland along rivers and streams. Fish Crows are year-round residents in Florida.

Fish Crows have a diverse diet that includes fish, shellfish, insects, small mammals, bird eggs, and carrion. They are skilled at cracking open hard-shelled prey, such as crabs and clams, with their strong bills. Their proximity to water sources influences their diet, leading to a greater emphasis on aquatic species and seafood than American crows.

Like American Crows, Fish Crows are highly social birds that gather in large groups. They are opportunistic feeders, known for stealing food from other birds and raiding nests for eggs and young.

Hooded Oriole

Hooded Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterus cucullatus
HabitatOpen woods, shade trees, and palms.
Life Span6 Years
Wingspan9-11 inches
Weight0.8 Pounds
DietInsects, berries, and nectar.

Hooded Orioles are considered accidental in Florida, with recent sightings in Fort Pickens in 2021. Males are bright yellow to orange with black throats and backs, while females and immatures are yellow with grayish wings.

They breed in southern U.S. states, making hanging nests on palm fronds, wintering in Mexico, with some staying year-round on the Gulf Coast of Mexico and Central America. Some Hooded Orioles have stopped migrating due to food from nectar feeders. They live in dry, open areas near palm trees.

Their songs are a mix of whistles and warbles, and they build hanging basket nests around 20 feet high using grass and plant materials. You can attract them to your backyard with sugar water, jelly, oranges. Hooded Oriole males in Texas tend to be orange, while those further west are yellow.

Magnificent Frigatebird

Magnificent Frigatebird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameFregata magnificens
HabitatCoasts and islands
Life SpanAround 34 Years
Wingspan7.5 ft.
Weight1.5 Kg
DietFlying fish, tuna, herring, and squid.

The Magnificent Frigatebird is a large seabird with a 7.5-foot wingspan. They inhabit tropical and subtropical coastal regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

They can be spotted flying over beaches year-round in Florida, with larger populations during breeding seasons in the Keys and southern Florida.

Magnificent Frigatebirds spend their time soaring high in the sky, effortlessly gliding with their long, slender wings. Their distinct silhouette, featuring a forked tail, makes them easily distinguishable when flying.

The Magnificent Frigatebird, part of the Fregatidae family, is remarkable. They measure 89-114 cm, weigh 1-1.6 kg, and live 15-25 years in the wild. Their flying speed reaches up to 15 km/h, with a 217-244 cm wingspan.

Their diet includes fish, squid, jellyfish, and crustaceans, but they are also known to eat turtles, seabird eggs, and chicks.

The Magnificent Frigatebird is a skilled hunter and forager, adept at snatching fish and prey from the ocean’s surface using its hooked bill.

They also steal food from other seabirds by harassing them until they drop their catch. Their diet mainly includes fish, squid, and other marine animals captured while flying low over the water.

Males are all black with a red throat sac during breeding, while females are black with a white chest patch.

Despite their impressive appearance, Magnificent Frigatebirds face threats, including habitat loss, hunting, and pollution, leading to population declines in some areas.

Orchard Oriole

Orchard Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterus spurius
HabitatOpen woodlands and areas.
Life Span9 Years
Wingspan25 cm
Weight16-28 g
DietNectar and pollen from flower.

The Orchard Oriole is a smaller songbird related to the Baltimore oriole. It has predominantly orange plumage and is found in eastern North America, ranging from Minnesota to Maine.

The adult male Orchard Oriole has a black body with chestnut-colored undersides, shoulders, and rump. The bill is thin and black, with a hint of blue-gray at the base of the lower jaw.

In contrast, the adult female and juvenile have olive-green upper parts and a darker underside.

The Orchard Oriole is primarily found in northern and central parts of Florida. They are most commonly seen during their breeding season, from April to July.

During the breeding season from April to July, male Orchard Orioles are often seen singing from treetops to attract mates. They can be found in woodlands, forests, gardens, and parks throughout the year, making backyard sightings possible.

Red-winged Blackbirds

Red-winged Blackbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameAgelaius phoeniceus
HabitatFreshwater marsh, hayfields, brushy swamps, and salt marsh.
Life SpanAbout 2 Years
Wingspan12-16 inches
Weight32-77 g
DietBeetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, and snails.

In Florida, red-winged blackbirds are the third most standard black and red bird in summer and the second most common in winter, staying year-round.

They are easily distinguishable by their all-black appearance with reddish-orange wing patches. Females have brown streaks and are less striking.

These birds are often seen perched on telephone wires but prefer marshy habitats for nesting, where males fiercely defend territories during breeding, even attacking intruders.

Red-winged blackbirds are primarily black with distinctive red and yellow shoulder spots. Females are less colorful, with a dark overall appearance and white eyebrows.

Attract them with a mix of grains like millet, cracked corn, and sunflower seeds. They inhabit freshwater and saltwater marshes and streams.

Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers

Red-cockaded Woodpeckers - FLTrendz
Scientific NameLeuconotopicus borealis
HabitatMature Pine Forest
Life SpanUp to 12 Years
Wingspan15 inches
Weight45-50 g
DietInsects, fruits, and pine seeds.

The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker is an endangered species native to the southeastern United States.

Red-cockaded Woodpeckers are small, primarily black and white birds with black crowns, white facial spots, and strong black cheek stripes.

Males have a subtle red streak on their cockade. Its habitat consists of open pine forests and savannas that have been affected by human activities like logging, contributing to its endangered status.

They prefer pine trees for nesting and roosting but are losing their habitat due to pine forest disappearance.

Rusty Blackbird

Rusty Blackbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameEuphagus carolinus
HabitatFlooded woods, Swamps, Marshes, and edges of ponds.
Life SpanUp to 9 Years
Wingspan14 inches
Weight61 g
DietInsects and birds

The Rusty Blackbird is a medium-sized bird related to grackles. They inhabit wet, forested areas in northern Canada and used to migrate to the U.S. in winter.

Adults have pointed bills, pale yellow eyes, and black plumage with a faint green and purple gloss.

Rusty Blackbirds are sexually dimorphic: females have gray-brown feathers with rusty edges, while males have glossy black feathers, buff eyebrows, and yellow eyes.

They feed on insects, and plant matter found on the ground under leaves and bark and have a relatively wide wingspan for their size.

Smooth Billed Ani

Smooth Billed Ani - FLTrendz
Scientific NameCrotophaga ani
HabitatSavannas, pastures, and lowland.
Life Span5-7 Years
Wingspan45 cm
Weight110 g
DietInsects and lizards.

The Smooth-billed Ani is a rare bird in open grasslands and urban fields. It’s black with a hint of greenish-blue on its back and a distinctive keel-shaped protrusion on its oversized beak.

These birds are year-round residents in Florida, mainly feeding on small animals and fruits.

The Smooth-billed Ani is a cuckoo bird species with a body length of 33-36 cm, a wingspan of 43-45 cm, and an average weight of 95-119 g.

They inhabit open and semi-open areas, savannahs, scrublands, and cultivated regions.

Often seen in pairs or small groups, they feed on insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, moths, lizards, snails, seeds, fruits, and berries.

Also Read: Are Lizards in Florida Poisonous?

Snail Kite

Snail Kite - FLTrendz
Scientific NameRostrhamus sociabilis
HabitatFreshwater marshes, lakes, sloughs, and ponds.
Life Span14 Years
Wingspan36 inches
Weight570 g
DietFreshwater apple snails.

The Snail Kite is a bird of prey in the Accipitridae family, related to eagles, hawks, and Old World vultures. Snail Kites are medium-sized raptors with hooked bills, long tails, and broad 47-inch wings.

Its closest relative is the slender-billed kite. These birds are molluscivores, often found near water bodies where they primarily hunt apple snails.

Males have yellow beaks with gray tips, black tails with white edges, and dark gray feathers. Females have brown feathers with white faces. With only around 1,000 left, they are federally and in Florida.

The Snail Kite specializes in feeding on a specific type of snail in freshwater marshes. Using its hooked bill, it extracts snail meat from shells. This tropical kite species breeds exclusively in Florida, primarily in the Everglades.

Swallow-tailed Kites

Swallow-tailed Kites - FLTrendz
Scientific NameElanoides forficatus
HabitatWooded river swamps.
Life Span6 Years.
Wingspan45 cm
Weight600 g
DietFrogs, lizards, insects, and birds.

The Swallow-tailed Kite is easily recognized by its long, pointed wings, white head and underparts, black back, and deeply forked tail.

Swallow-tailed Kites have a body length of 50-70 cm, a wingspan of 112-136 cm, and weigh 300-600 g. They typically live up to 6 years and feed on insects and small vertebrates.

Swallow-tailed Kites have striking black and white feathers with white heads and bellies, black wings, tails, and backs. They have tiny, hooked black beaks and black eyes. Their diet includes insects and small animals like frogs and small snakes.

These birds mainly eat giant insects, amphibians, reptiles, and nestling birds, often hovering over water bodies to hunt. They are also known to eat snails, which led to their scientific name, “Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus,” meaning “friendly snail kite.”

Spot-breasted oriole

Spot-Breasted Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterus pectoralis
HabitatDry woods, thorn scrub, and trees in towns.
Life Span12 Years
Wingspan0.94 inches
Weight50 g
DietBerries, nectar and insects.

The Spot-breasted Oriole is a beautiful but relatively rare bird in Florida. They are primarily seen in spring and summer but can be spotted year-round in some areas. Look for them in wooded areas, near water, parks, and gardens.

The Spot-breasted Oriole is a mid-sized songbird with striking orange plumage, black wings, bib, and breast spots. Males and females look similar, but females and juveniles have greenish backs and tails and lack black on the face.

The Spot-breasted Oriole is not native to Florida but was introduced to Miami in the 1940s. Florida is the only North American state with a limited population of this species, making it “countable” for birdwatchers.

Shiny Cowbird

Shiny Cowbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameMolothrus bonariensis
HabitatOpen forests and cultivated land.
Life Span5 Years
Wingspan30 cm
Weight40 g
DietCaterpillars, butterflies, and moths.

The Shiny Cowbird, originally from South America, is now found in the Caribbean and Florida. Males have glossy purple-black plumage, while females are dark brown with a lighter throat and belly.

The Shiny Cowbird primarily eats insects but consumes fruits, grains, seeds, and small vertebrates. They practice brood parasitism, laying their eggs in other bird species’ nests.

In Florida, it’s challenging to distinguish their breeding habits from the Brown-headed Cowbird, as their young are similar in appearance.

Shiny Cowbirds inhabit diverse environments in Florida, including agricultural fields, suburban regions, and wetlands, particularly in areas along the Atlantic coast bordering the Everglades.

Their presence in the state is a concern due to potential impacts on native bird species, which are considered somewhat invasive.

Scott’s oriole

Scott's Oriole - FLTrendz
Scientific NameIcterus parisorum
Life Span6.4 Years
Wingspan32 cm
Weight32-41 g
DietInsects and nectar

Scott’s Orioles are considered accidental in Florida, with their last sighting in Tallahassee in 2020.

They are large birds with bright yellow undersides and blackheads and backs in males, while females have paler yellow underparts with olive-brown backs. They breed in southwestern U.S. states, migrate south for winter, and can be found in arid areas, often on yuccas.

They feed on insects, nectar, and fruit and build nests near the ground using cactus fibers, grass, and yucca leaves. You can attract them to your backyard with sugar water, jelly, oranges. Scott’s Orioles will feed on monarch butterflies, selecting those with the most minor toxins.

American Coot

American Coot - FLTrendz
Scientific NameFulica americana
HabitatFreshwater ponds, lakes, and rivers.
Life SpanUp to 9 Years.
Wingspan28 inches.
Weight450 g
DietStems, leaves, and seeds.

American Coots are known for flocking on open water, ranging from dark gray to black, with a white beak, red eyes, and lobed toes.

The American Coot has a round, black-feathered body resembling a chicken, with distinct dark red eyes and a standout white beak, similar to the Gallinule but with subtle color differences.

Coots aren’t ducks; they have long, lobed toes for walking in aquatic vegetation at the water’s edge and can swim efficiently. They swim and dive for food in shallow lakes.

Bald Eagles prey on them by tiring them out. They inhabit various aquatic areas, nesting on floating platforms anchored to plants. Their toes also allow them to walk on land without waddling like ducks.

American Coots inhabit ponds, lakes, swamps, and freshwater wetlands. They breed in vegetated shorelines with shallow water. In winter, they join mixed duck groups.

In Florida, they are year-round in the southern tip, while elsewhere, they’re seen during non-breeding months.

They breed in northern Florida and migrate to southern Florida in spring and fall.

White Crowned Pigeon

White Crowned Pigeon - FLTrendz
Scientific NamePatagioenas leucocephala
HabitatAmple fruiting trees
Life Span14 Years
Wingspan23 inches
Weight301 g
DietHardwood trees fruits.

The White-Crowned Pigeon has a white head, iridescent green neck feathers, red beak, red legs, and yellow eyes. Despite being just over half a pound, they can live up to 14 years, mainly feeding on fruits and berries from trees.

The White-crowned Pigeon is a notable blackbird in Florida, commonly found in South Florida’s mangrove keys and wooded islands. They have a body length of 29-35 cm, a 48-59 cm wingspan, and weigh 150-301 g. They breed in the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, and Antigua.

Western Meadowlark

Western Meadowlark - FLTrendz
Scientific NameSturnella neglecta
HabitatGrasslands and meadows.
Life SpanUp to 6 Years
Wingspan16 inches
Weight116 g
DietInsects and seeds.

Western Meadowlarks are considered accidental in Florida, with rare sightings like in Okaloosa in 2020. They have bright yellow bellies and a melodious song.

About the size of a Robin, they have brown and white upperparts and a black V-shaped band across their bright yellow chest that turns gray in winter.

Those breeding in northern U.S. states and Canada migrate south in winter, while western and midwestern populations remain year-round. You can find them in grasslands, meadows, and fields, foraging for insects and seeds.

They nest in ground depressions filled with soft materials like grass. Attract them to your backyard with sunflower seeds and cracked corn.

Wild Turkey

Wild Turkey - FLTrendz
Scientific NameMeleagris gallopavo
HabitatOak hickory forest, cypress swamps, and pine-oak forest.
Life Span3-5 Years
Wingspan57 inches
Weight37.1 lb.
DietLeaves, grass, seeds, insects, and worms.

Wild turkeys are a common sight in Florida with distinctive features like long tail feathers that fan out like a boat in flight. They have dark brown feathers with white tips and black-tipped wings.

Other birds with similar characteristics include boat-tailed grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and orchard orioles.

They feed on grains, acorns, and insects and can fly short distances and run up to 25 mph for brief periods. These adaptations help them thrive in natural habitats and around human development in Florida.

White Collared Swift

White-collared Swift - FLTrendz
Scientific NameStreptoprocne zonaris
HabitatForests and scrublands.
Life Span10 Years
Wingspan55 cm
Weight125 g
DietInsects and spiders.

The White Collared Swift is a striking bird in the Caribbean and Central America with an 18-inch wingspan and a distinctive yellow collar.

It feeds on flying insects like ants and termites, often foraging alongside other birds in Florida’s tropical forests.

These swifts are highly vocal during breeding season, creating strong family bonds and increasing reproductive success. Their aerial displays are a testament to their adaptability in human-altered landscapes.

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Yellow-headed Blackbird - FLTrendz
Scientific NameXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
HabitatWetlands, and mountains meadows.
Life SpanUp to 18 Years.
Wingspan38 cm
Weight65 g
DietInsects and seeds.

The Yellow-headed Blackbird is a large black songbird with a distinctive yellow head and neck. It has a wingspan of 13–14.2 inches and weighs 1.5-2.8 ounces.

They primarily feed on insects and seeds, including beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers. You can find them in wetlands like marshes and lakeshores, nesting in tall marsh vegetation.

Their nests are cup-shaped and built above the waterline, containing 3-5 eggs that hatch after 12-13 days of incubation. Chicks fledge at around 9-12 days old.

In Conclusion

Blackbirds are common throughout the U.S., especially in Florida’s wooded regions, where they migrate for breeding. Florida has various blackbird species, including songbirds, raptors, and waterbirds. You can attract them to your backyard with appropriate feeding.

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