Best Types of Grass in Florida: Top Picks for Your Lawn

A green environment is crucial for shielding species from the Sun’s harmful radiation. Homeowners of luxury properties in Florida often desire lush, green lawns to enhance the charm of their homes and promote well-being.

If you are new to selecting grass, understanding the different types of grass in Florida can be overwhelming.

This guide will explore the types of lawn grass in Florida to help you choose the best option. Let’s delve into these top grass types, covering everything from what type of grass grows in Florida to the varieties suitable for specific regions, including types of grass in South Florida, Central Florida, and North Florida.

Best Types of Grass in Florida

Different types of grass in Florida - FLTrendz

Florida’s diverse climate supports numerous types of grasses, both native and non-native. Understanding what type of grass is best for the southernmost villages in Florida or what works in other areas is key, especially with the impacts of climate change.

If you’re thinking about landscaping or lawn care as a business, understanding how to start a business in Florida can help you get set up legally and efficiently.

Below are the types of grass in Southwest Florida, as well as grasses that thrive across different parts of the state.

St. Augustine Grass

St. Augustine grass is widely used across the state, from North Florida to South Florida, thanks to its rapid growth and lush appearance. It’s commonly planted in warm regions and features deep roots, making it perfect for lawn coverage.

Key Factors

  • Growth: 2-3 inches per month
  • Ideal for residential and commercial landscaping
  • Reduces soil erosion and flourishes in fertilized land

For those considering types of St. Augustine grass in Florida, here are the main varieties:

FloratumResidential lawns, landscaping2.5-3 inches
RaleighPopular for residential lawns2-2.5 inches
SevilleIdeal for coastal areas2-2.5 inches
Delta ShadeBest in shaded areas1.5-2 inches
CaptivaErosion control landscaping2.5-3.5 inches

Lawn care enthusiasts should be aware of property regulations, including plant laws and whether marijuana is legal in Florida, especially if growing unique vegetation.

Zoysia Grass

Known for its softness and dark green color, Zoysia grass is a fantastic choice for residential and commercial use. It is relatively low maintenance and can adapt to different types of grass weeds in Florida without much hassle.

Key Factors

  • Growth: 1-2 inches per month
  • Thrives in changing climates and requires less water

Looking into the types of Zoysia grass in Florida, here are some options:

EmpireResidential and commercial1.5-2 inches
EmeraldShade-tolerant areas1-1.5 inches
MeyerAdaptable to various soils1-2 inches
NitraFast-growing landscaping2-2.5 inches
TrinityLow-maintenance lawns1-1.5 inches

When landscaping, it’s useful to consider incorporating native plants, like the fruit trees Florida is known for, to enhance your lawn’s appeal and ecosystem.

Bermuda Grass

Commonly found on sports fields and lawns, Bermuda grass has a fine texture and vibrant color. It can handle Florida’s intense heat, making it a top choice among the types of grass in Central Florida and other regions.

Key Factors

  • Heat-tolerant and resilient
  • Growth: 2-3 inches per month

Varieties and Uses

Tifway 419Sports fields and lawns2.5-3 inches
TifsportIdeal for high-traffic areas3-3.5 inches
CelebrationResidential lawns2-2.5 inches
Latitude 36Drought-tolerant landscaping2-2.5 inches
Black BeautyOrnamental areas1.5-2 inches

Knowing when hurricane season is in Florida is crucial for lawn maintenance, as grass and landscaping can be severely impacted by extreme weather.

Bahia Grass

Bahia grass, medium green in color, is ideal for Southwest Florida because of its adaptability and low maintenance. It thrives in sandy or clay soils and requires plenty of sunlight.

Key Factors

  • Growth: 2-3 inches per month
  • Performs well in full sunlight

Varieties and Uses

PensacolaPasture and hay production2.5-3 inches
Tifton 9High-quality forage2.5-3 inches
ArgentineLawns and landscaping2-2.5 inches
CaymanDrought-tolerant landscaping1.5-2 inches
OasisHigh-yield pasture areas3-3.5 inches

For those inspired by nature, the Florida Panhandle beaches are a reminder of how natural beauty, including grass and coastal vegetation, can enhance any landscape.

Centipede Grass

With a fine texture, Centipede grass is effective in reducing fungal infections. It is suitable for warm weather and is best for lawns in Florida.

Key Factors

  • Minimal water requirements
  • Native to Southeast America
  • Growth: 1-2 inches per month

Varieties and Uses

OaklawnDrought-tolerant lawns1-2 inches
TifBlairShade-tolerant landscaping1-2 inches
CentennialHigh-traffic areas1.5-2 inches
SeralaLow-maintenance lawns0.5-1 inch
HamelAdaptable to various soils1-1.5 inches

Bird lovers may want to choose grass types that support local wildlife, like Florida woodpeckers, adding a harmonious element to their outdoor space.

Seashore Paspalum

Used in sports fields and coastal landscaping, Seashore Paspalum thrives in salt-affected soils and minimal water conditions.

Key Factors

  • Growth: 2-3 inches per month
  • Full sunlight requirement

Varieties and Uses

Seasle 2000Golf courses and coastal areas2-2.5 inches
Seasle SupremeHigh-traffic sports fields2.5-3 inches
AlohaResidential lawns1.5-2 inches
PassportErosion control landscaping2-2.5 inches
UltimateSalt-tolerant lawns2-2.5 inches

Creating a lush lawn can attract beautiful blue birds in Florida, turning your outdoor area into a serene and lively habitat for wildlife.

Buffalo Grass

Native to North America, Buffalo grass is perfect for dry and sunny locations, often found in North Florida areas that require low water maintenance.

Key Factors

  • Growth: 2-3 inches per month
  • Soft texture and ecosystem support

Varieties and Uses

CodyDrought-tolerant areas2-2.5 inches
PrestigeHigh-traffic landscaping2.5-3 inches
LegacyErosion control1.5-2 inches
TurfHigh-yield sports fields3-3.5 inches
PlainsWildlife and habitat areas1-1.5 inches

If you’re thinking about combining pool services with lawn care, learning how to start a pool cleaning business in Florida can diversify your offerings.


With Florida’s unique climate, selecting the right types of grass is crucial for a lush and healthy lawn. This guide provides an overview of the best options for 2024, tailored to specific needs across regions like Central Florida and South Florida. For more expert lawn tips, stay connected with our site.


St. Augustine, Zoysia, and Bermuda grass are ideal for southern areas, providing lush, green coverage suitable for warm climates.

There are several options, including St. Augustine, Zoysia, Bermuda, Bahia, and Centipede grass, each with unique benefits depending on your region and lawn needs.

In Central Florida, St. Augustine and Zoysia grasses are popular due to their adaptability to warm and humid conditions.

In Southwest Florida, Bahia and Zoysia grasses are well-suited due to their drought tolerance and ability to thrive in sandy soils.

St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses are recommended for South Florida’s hot and humid environment.

Empire, Emerald, Meyer, Nitra, and Trinity are popular types of Zoysia grass in Florida, each offering unique features for residential or commercial use.

Varieties include Floratum, Raleigh, Seville, Delta Shade, and Captiva, each suited to different lawn conditions.

Yes, common grass weeds in Florida include crabgrass and torpedo grass, which can be managed with proper lawn care.

In North Florida, Bermuda and Centipede grasses are common, as they thrive in slightly cooler climates compared to the south.

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